Energy and Utility

Our solutions help power plants, electric car charging stations, and various utility providers to boost their equipment performance, and reduce operational costs.

Industrial Maintenance

With the rising demand for energy and utility services, one of the biggest challenges in the energy and utility sector.

Parts Cleaning

It is easy to clean the outer or bigger components of the equipment.

Chem-Aqua Water Treatment

The heating and cooling equipment in the energy and utility sector consume a huge volume of water.

Industrial Maintenance

With the rising demand for energy and utility services, one of the biggest challenges is to maximize equipment productivity. The equipment is not only capital-intensive; it also escalates operating expenditure. The need for routine preventive and reactive repairs, upgrades and modifications also puts significant pressure on the maintenance budget. Our wide range of emergency repair products seal, set in place, de-moisturize, and connect pieces in any situation or environment.

Parts Cleaning

Most cleaning solutions currently available in the market are of low quality and can do your equipment more harm than good. Also, the toxic chemicals in these cleaning agents can expose your employees to health risks. We have developed a high-performance and environmental-friendly water-based parts cleaning system that reduce the production of hazardous waste as well as eliminate the need for secondary cleaning. Most importantly, safe to use and store.

Chem-Aqua Water Treatment

Our customized water solution treatment can tackle all these problems efficiently and cost-effectively. These solutions not only prevent scaling, corrosion, and microbiological growth but also conserve water and energy. We also provide pre-treatment equipment such as softeners, multimedia filters, reverse osmosis, side stream filters, etc. Our comprehensive water treatment solution ensures that you lower financial costs and environmental footprint during every water-related process.

Case Study
Energy and Utility

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To discover more about our energy and utility services, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our helpful team. We pride ourselves on our high quality customer service, and can help you to find the solution you need today.

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