Healthcare Industry Solutions

We help you take control of your facility maintenance while minimizing costs so that you can focus on what matters the most – patient care.

Biological Wastewater Treatment

Solutions to enable your facility to reduce clogs, control odors and comply with environmental water discharge parameters.


Our range of cleaning products is suitable for the disinfection and sanitation of air, equipment and high traffic areas.

Chem-Aqua Water Treatment

Control biofilm and high water usage by using our patented solutions to track microbiological growth and improve cooling tower performance.

Biological Wastewater Treatment

Healthcare facilities generate a significant amount of biological waste and wastewater. These effluents contain pathogens, chemical reagents, pharmaceutical residues, infectious pollutants, and other hazardous substances. Aside from this, odors and clogs can disrupt operations to everyone’s discomfort. Our advanced and unique drains and wastewater solutions, ecoSTORM and BioAmp take care of these challenges using revolutionary, fully-automated, and environmentally-safe products that grow naturally occurring food-safe bacteria through an on-site delivery system. They enable your healthcare facility to maintain the drain lines safely and comply with environmental water discharge parameters.

Facilities Maintenance

Failure to properly disinfect your healthcare facility can encourage the growth of pathogenic microbes that can cause potential outbreaks of infections. It not only has a devastating effect on people’s health but also leads to bad publicity and lost business for your healthcare facility. Our Disinfection Program follows 3 steps – Clean, Disinfect, and Sanitize to reach all possible surfaces and touch points. Our range of cleaning products is suitable for the disinfection of air, equipment, production, and foot and hand dips. We also offer an HVAC Program that solely focuses on the disinfection of office aircon, chillers, and cooling towers.

Chem-Aqua Water Treatment

The regulatory and environmental authorities around the world are laying down strict norms on healthcare facilities to improve water efficiency. The cooling tower in the HVAC system is vulnerable to high water usage and inefficiency. They need lots of makeup water to remove excess heat through evaporation. This increases the need for blowdown, a process in which a huge amount of circulating water is lost.

The high amount of water usage and poor water quality lead to biofilm growth and fouling. If not controlled, biofilm can cause scaling, corrosion, and heat transfer loss. These deposits can obstruct the free flow of water and lower their performance. 

Case Study
Healthcare Industry Solutions

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