Brewery & Beverage

NCH offers a large variety of solutions that are ideal for food manufacturing applications. We offer industrial cleaners and degreasers, specialty building maintenance, lubricants and release agents, wastewater products, and water treatment solutions.

Chem-Aqua Water Treatment

Chem-Aqua water treatment solutions reduce water, energy, and maintenance costs. They keep the taste, quality, and flavor of a beer or beverage intact.

Tunnel Pasteurizers

Our tunnel pasteurization solutions address corrosion, scale, and microbiological issues. They can improve process reliability and package quality.


Our high-performance lubricants improve machine efficiency and longevity. They also help overcome food and customer safety challenges.

Wastewater Treatment

Our wastewater solutions comprise advanced systems for treatment. They effectively take care of odor, retention time and parameter management issues.

Chem-Aqua Water Treatment

Ineffective water treatment can lead to machine damage and repairs, more downtime, unhygienic production, and penalties for non-compliance with environmental guidelines. Most importantly, it can alter the taste and composition of the beverage/beer. Chem-Aqua water treatment solutions focus on four areas – cooling towers, boilers, tunnel pasteurization and evaporative condensers.

Our range of solutions includes antiscalant, oxygen scavenger, advanced condensate treatment, online polymer descaler, oxidizing and non-oxidizing biocides, aquaDART, bioeXile and bioDART. These solutions ensure optimal process efficiency, preventive maintenance and significant cost savings without impacting the quality of beverage/beer.

Tunnel Pasteurizers

Corrosion, scale deposition, microbiological growth, and bio-fouling are common pasteurization issues in the beverage and brewery industries. These problems could result in high water consumption, damage the equipment, and cause heat transfer inefficiency. They in turn adversely impact product quality and appearance, due to which your brand image can take a hit. Our tunnel pasteurization solution is effective in various brewery conditions.

bioeXile, one of our key innovations, improves the removal of the inert organic layer that protects biofilms. It cleans and minimizes foulants, thereby reducing microbiological corrosion and improving energy efficiency.


Machines in the beverage and brewery industries undergo some harsh conditions. This can result in equipment inefficiency and frequent breakdowns. High-performance lubricants from NCH can avoid such situations. Our lubricants, both oils and greases, are designed after intensive research on the beverage and brewery industries. They are suitable for crushers, motors, separators, filters, compressors, centrifuges, and other equipment.

Our lubricants not only improve equipment efficiency but also slow down wear and tear, rust, corrosion, oxidation, and friction to extend their longevity. They provide incomparable performance under heavy loads and at high speeds. These lubricants also play an important role in food and customer safety compliance in some applications.

Wastewater Treatment

The beverage and brewery industries often struggle to reclaim and treat wastewater. The effluent is both a public health and environmental hazard. This is because it contains BOD, COD, suspended and dissolved solids, cleaning residues, and other water pollutants. Our wastewater treatment solution can treat wastewater effectively and cut costs considerably.

Our patented BioAmp solution is a proven system to rapidly break down organic waste, including soluble BOD, FOG, TSS, and ammonia. Our second solution is EcoSTORM, a fully automated, innovative, and on-site delivery biological drain maintenance system for growing food-safe bacteria.

Case Study
Brewery & Beverage

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