By: Ermanno BrignoloNational Technical Sales Manager, NCH Lubricants
Maintenance of machinery is traditionally regarded as a center of cost, and therefore a necessary evil in all industrial maintenance budgets. However, with the adoption of premium quality lubricants, it is possible to turn any maintenance department into a center of profit, capable of and responsible for significant savings. The only obstacle in proving such savings is that in order to be fully un they must be looked at from a different perspective, as they go beyond the mere unit price for a liter of oil or a kilogram of grease. savings is that in order to be fully un they must be looked at from a different perspective, as they go beyond the mere unit price for a liter of oil or a kilogram of grease.

The costs related to a lubrication program can be divided into 6 categories:
- Actual cost of lubricants
- Actual cost of lubricants
- Labour cost
- Downtime
- Parts replacement
- Energy/fuel consumption
- Waste
Lubricants alone can be responsible for relevant reductions in the 6 points highlighted above. Lubricants alone can be responsible for relevant reductions in the 6 points highlighted above. In a study conducted in the early 2000’s by NCH Corporation among a sample of 600 customers across the world, we identified that by moving from standard lubrication to premium performance-enhanced lubricants, the savings amounted to an average of 19% of the total maintenance budget.
Because of this, NCH provides Value Recognition Reports: written evidence that we helped hundreds of our customers worldwide save thousands of dollars every year, thus creating meaningful partnerships instead of just being another lube supplier.
A VRR is an easy and clear document specifically drafted for each company to show value and savings. It consolidates the data provided to us by our customers and quantifies the costs as shown above, then relates them to the overall maintenance budget, with particular attention to the savings our lubricants have provided.

This way, the total savings in making the transition from standard lubricants to performance lubricants can be easily calculated and understood. And that is why when you make the switch to NCH, you will know you’re in good hands.

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