文章 | 設施管理與永續發展



有許多辦公大樓的設施及設備,必須有勞企業定期維護及管理,例如定期清洗、暫停機械、暖氣、通風和空調(HVAC)系統,以及工作場所的一般清潔。 未定期維護這些設備的公司容易面臨意想不到的成本,像是維修費用、維修期間造成的停機成本、商業損失與罰款。然而對地方當局來說,重要的是這些公司單位是否有能減少其商業行為對環境造成的損害與污染。若公司排出污染廢水未符合標準、耗費能源或水資源,將會遭受罰緩。


  • 空調設備 – 最常見的問題是線圈。當線圈上的污垢堆積嚴重,影響到絕緣體的作用時,會降低線圈有效地釋放或吸收熱量的功能,嚴重降低系統的總效能,造成電費增加。
  • 異味控制 – 堆積垃圾而產生惡臭,將令訪客或客戶敬而遠之,失去潛在業務機會。
  • 排水管維護 – FOG動物性油脂數值超過政府標準將會受罰。


NCH 商用設備維護部門可以提供一系列的產品和計劃,以降低成本、停機時間和對生態系統的影響。這些產品免除了低效率服務,使企業遠離風險,包括:

  • HVAC 空調設備維護方案 – 目的為降低能源成本,並延長您的空調系統使用壽命。
  • Blue Streak 濃縮液態排水管疏通劑 – 堆積的汙泥或油泥會造成排水管破裂,導致昂貴的維修費用、計畫外的停機時間和高昂的水費。Blue Streak可快速分解管中的堵塞物、減少臭味,恢復並保養暢通的排水管。
  • Dr. Zyme 酵素異味控制消除劑 – 用於消除工作場所的難聞氣味。包覆臭氣分子,中和並消除。有天然的酵素分解臭味,提供令人愉悅的香氣。
  • ND-165 水溶性除油清洗劑 – 食品級清潔劑。ND-165是水溶性的,所以在沖洗時藥劑進入排水系統並排道環境時,不會留下油性殘留物。


Case Study | Maintenance | Railway Parts Manufacturer Cuts Unit Brake Cleaning Time by One-Third

A railway parts manufacturing company previously endured a lengthy process to clean grease stains from railway unit brakes. This involved soaking the brakes in an organic solvent for a day, manually scraping off the grease, and then washing them in an automatic machine, totaling 2-3 days.The company faced challenges in effectively cleaning automotive parts at its distribution point, crucial for maintaining the integrity of its automatic multi-line lubrication systems. Previous methods using a local degreaser for manual cleaning were labor-intensive, time-consuming, and inadequate for removing fine particles.

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Case Study | Chem-Aqua | Power Plant Achieves Monthly Savings by Sustainably Enhancing Cooling Tower Efficiency

A power plant supplies electricity to various locations but had not previously implemented a treatment program for its cooling tower. The softener control was inadequate, leading to total hardness levels of 40-50 ppm. Additionally, vacuum pressure exceeded -0.8 kg/cm² due to scale buildup on the condenser tubes, resulting in issues with heat transfer and steam condensation.

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Case Study | Maintenance | Achieve Annual Savings with NCH Torrent 400 Water-Based Parts Cleaning Machine

Based in Southeast Asia, our client is a leading manufacturer of lubrication equipment for the industrial and automotive sectors, including products such as industrial oil pumps, grease pumps, shell oil coolers, spray pumps, and more.The company faced challenges in finding an effective solution for cleaning automotive parts at their distribution point.
The company faced challenges in effectively cleaning automotive parts at its distribution point, crucial for maintaining the integrity of its automatic multi-line lubrication systems. Previous methods using a local degreaser for manual cleaning were labor-intensive, time-consuming, and inadequate for removing fine particles.

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