NCH Hearbeat | Kasthuri Palanisamy

Navigating Turbulent Times: How NCH's Resilient Sales Team Overcame Challenges and Continues to Excel in Building Customer Connections

Hello, I’m Kasthuri and I have been a part of the NCH family for almost nine years now. When I graduated from the University of Nottingham with a degree in Chemical Engineering, I always thought I would end up in the oil and gas industry. However, due to location constraints, I could not join any of the job opportunities that I received. After that, I worked in wastewater treatment plant designing, but I realized it was not my passion to interact with a computer all day. That’s when I saw the NCH job offer and decided to apply. Though I was initially nervous about the job of Area Sales Engineer, with the training and determination that I put into it, I could do the job as expected and even exceeded my own expectations.

Initially, I was shy and scared to even take a phone call to speak with people. However, as I started meeting and greeting new people every day, sales became a very interesting job for me. I realized that there is never a dull day in sales. I faced rejections, but I never saw them as failures. Instead, I put those prospects under KIV and tried calling and meeting them after a few months to see if I could really solve their problems. Even if it didn’t work out, I thought that I had made a new friend in the industry. I learned that building connections is equally important.

When the pandemic hit, as a sales team, we were affected as we couldn’t get new appointments anywhere. It was a dull moment in sales. However, we kept trying to find solutions. We started searching for business internally with customers with whom we had already built good relationships. We also started doing appointments via video calls, which really helped us a lot during that period. We usually did our introductory calls via video calls and built a good relationship. Then, when the Covid SOP was relaxed, we started going for site surveys. That’s how we kept the business going during the Covid-19 period.

For me, every day is a learning day in terms of sales and technical knowledge. There is so much to learn, and nothing will happen overnight. So, if you are a newcomer, be patient and believe that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. There are so many people we can tag along for help and learn from them. I am glad to be a part of the NCH family that has a great support system, which has helped me become who I am today. I will keep learning and striving to be the best. Thank you, NCH!


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